Our actions in aid of the environment
Since it began operating the ports in 2006, SEPM has led numerous environmental initiatives in the aim of reducing pollution, irrespective of its cause.
Below are some of the main examples:
- Staff dedicated to the environnement
- Staff training in Port environmental managing.
- Provision of toilets and showers to users.
- Electrical power improvement, especially for mega yachts, in order to avoid atmospheric pollution
- Purchasing of «EGEO» renouvable electrical energy on a SMEG partnership since 2015
- Installation of containers for batteries, used oil, and for oil and fuel filters
- Refuse collection up to three times per day in the port area.
- Grey and black water collection by barge or truck
- Partnership with ECOTANK for the wastewater collection by barge -(1600 mᶾ / year)
- Declaration form for disposing of refuse in the ports of Monaco.
- Obligation to use environmentally friendly products ( https://www.etyc-pages.com/listing-category/interior/ )
- Obligation for all cruise ships since 2018 to use 0.1% sulfur fuel
- Declaration form for disposing of refuse in the ports of Monaco.
- Waterwaste follow-up for crew and yachtsmen
- Implementation of special domestic waste containers (such as toxic chemical products, solvents, spray ecc) in Fontvieille Port (soon in Hercule as well)
- In 2021, the Prince Albert II and the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundations have offered 2 DPOL robots, supplied by Ekkopol in Marseille : these « sea hoover » are positioned at the corner of Hercule Port, close to Rascasse ; they are emptied everyday and they collect the equivalent of 100 liters of waste.
- Since 2021 a big and small waste retention net on the overflow disposal placed on the cliffs at the entrance of Fontvieille Port, confirming the engament of the Principality in the environmental protection and the fight against pollution.
Yet environmental matters concern the daily lives of each and every one of us. The success of this project lies in the hands of amateur and professional sailors and port authorities alike. Without public awareness of these issues, the extremely fragile marine and coastal environment cannot be conserved


© Direction de l’Environnement

© Biotope L.Berenger

Ecologic attitude: the sea is precious
The oceans form the blue lung of our planet to which the Mediterranean is contributing precious. Vital, at the heart of the climate issues, they are home to an immense variety of ecosystems, form the backbone of most of the planet’s biodiversity, produce half of the oxygen we breath, regulate the earth’s temperature by absorbing CO2. Protecting them and restoring them is a duty, an obligation.
In the Principality of Monaco, under the initiative of H.S.H Prince Albert II, environmental protection, as well as topics related to sustainable development are the top priorities of the State policy, nationally and internationally. Governmental actions demonstrate the awareness of biodiversity, resources management, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and a determined policy towards a sustainable city.

By pursuing this quest and objectives, the Société des Ports’ Board of Direcotrs has been committed since 2006 to follow the path towards a sustainable port management. The collaboration with the Prince’s Government, various partners, as well as diversified actions coupled with the efforts in terms of environmental protection of each employee, have brought some significant results: since 2011 the Ports of Monaco have obtained the European certification of “Clean Ports”, then in 2020 “Clean Ports actifs in Biodiversity” certification.
Aware of the importance of the perpetual preservation of the natural heritage, of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, our company is setting up, in consultation with the Prince’s Governement and in collaboration with the ECOCEAN Company, a program for the enhancement, ecological restoration and reconquest of the environment. With 50 BIOHUTS installed, the Ports of Monacowere the first ports in the Mediterranean to look into the restauration of nursery functions and in 2014 committed to the NAPPEX Project. NAPPEX (Artificial Nurseries for Exemplary Ports) is an appellation that identifies exemplary ports committed to sustain biodiversity within their water by implementing habits adapted to fish larvae and many other marine species.
In 2019 following on from this ecological reconquest, and for the purpose of experimentation, five riprap reefs were placed in Fontvieille Port along the inner breakwater. This system could be expanded on a wider scale on the Principality coastline. Provided by ECOncrete, these reefs are made of “bio-enhancing” concrete, a concrete which enables marine ecosystems to develop. Imitating natural hollow rocks, these units enables the growth of marine life which cannot be found on smooth rocks. This nutritious environment shelters and feeds small crustaeans and young fish. Thus, over time, a new ecosystem is created, demonstrating the relevance of this ecological restoration. In addition, these riprap reefs play another, equally important role: breaking the waves during major storms.

© Biotope L.Berenger

© Direction de la communication M.Alesi
“The sea begins here”: this sentence, which can be found on posters in the Principality and around Port Hercule, must be on everyone’s mind. Our rose is to sustainably limit any negative impact of port activities on the environment. To do this, we are developing the necessary measures to prevent and eliminate all forms of pollution and all voluntary or accidental discharges at our port sites.
- Many fixed points for pumping wastewater are being installed along the quay
- We are multiplying the facilities dedicated to the collection of all waste as well as awareness-raising actions for port users
- The implementation of two DPOL (two harmless cealning robots for juvenile fish) donated by Princesse Charlène and Prince Albert II of Monaco foundations
- A full commitment to “keep the water blue”: anti-pollution equipments, internal processes, collaborative actions with the Minister of Maritime Affairs, the Yacht Club of Monaco and our partner ECOTANK
- The installation by the Prince’s Gouvernlent of a macro-and micro-waste retention net in the Port of Fontvieille, the first in the Principality, which akes it possible to trap all solid pollutants coming from the urban sanitation network before they reach the maritime environment.

The Ports of Monaco, located in the heart of the city, will continue their efforts to protect the environment while aiming to remain a think tank through innovative procedures and means. The sea is precious, let’s preserve it.
Photo : © Direction de l’Environnement