The SMIP, a branch at 100% of SEPM has been created in 2016 with the aim of « the partecipation abroad, in all the companies in charge of managing ports lease ».
The two principal areas of development of this company are :
- a local strategy, positionning on ports close to Monaco in order to improve the capacity of welcoming medium and big yachts (the purchase of port of Ventimiglia concession, the positioning at Cap d’Ail, Sanremo) ;
- exporting the experience concerning the port development on reconfiguration projects of ports such as Civitavecchia (Port of Rome, where the SMIP has got actions)
Port of Rome/Civitavecchia (Bacina Traianeo)
Length of the concession
The project provides 39 berths from 30 to 60 mt
The first phase of the works (6-8months) started in 2022

Involvement in Cap d’Ail Port
In 2020 the SEPM (mother company of the SMIP) acquired a 20% in the capital of Société du Port de Cap d’Ail (SPCA), showing her interest in the management of this port on the long term (265 berths, incuding 15 bigger then 25 meters).